


Journal of Phonetics



0095-4470 (print)
1095-8576 (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今



《Journal of phonetics》发表具有实验或理论性质的论文,涉及语言和语言交流过程的语音方面。有关技术或病理学主题的论文或跨学科性质的论文也适用,前提是所报告的工作以语言语音原则为基础。 


Contributions of pitch and spectral information to cortical vowel categorization

Marina Frank, Beeke Muhlack, Franka Zebe et al.

AbstractThe perception of vowels such as [a] or [i] is based on their spectral properties, i.e. resonance frequencies (formants), and on fundamental frequency (f0). Yet, it is unclear whether early neural indices of vowel processing are predominantly driven by f0 or by formant frequencies. A candidate neural index of early acoustic processing is the N1, a negative evoked potential of the human electroencephalogram (EEG), peaking between 80 and 150 ms after stimulus onset. The N1 has been found to reflect pitch differences in simple tones, but also general vowel differences. However, the relative contributions of formant frequencies and f0 to N1 amplitudes and latencies are not entirely clear. To this end, an EEG study on German vowels differing in both first (F1) and second (F2) formant as well as f0 (independently modified) was conducted. Results showed that f0 only influenced N1 latencies of vowels with low F1, while F1 influenced amplitudes and latencies for all vowels. The distance between F1 and F2 as well as F2 significantly correlated with N1 amplitudes, but not with N1 latencies. These results imply that early neural processing of vowels relies on higher spectral components (formants) rather than f0.

The effect of input prompts on the relationship between perception and production of non-native sounds

Misaki Kato, Melissa Michaud Baese-Berk

Abstract:  One factor known to affect a second language learner’s pronunciation accuracy of non-native sounds is their perception accuracy of the same sounds. However, it is not clear how stable the relationship between the two modalities is when production is cued by perception or other input sources, such as orthography, which is also known to affect production of non-native sounds. We examined whether the relationship between perception and production of non-native sounds varies as a result of different types of input prompts (auditory vs. orthographic) for production, and whether this effect of input prompts on the perception-production relationship varies in different non-native sound contrasts, namely, English /ɹ/ vs. /l/ for native Japanese learners of English, and Japanese singleton vs. geminate consonants for native English learners of Japanese. The difference in the type of input prompt for production affected  learners’ perception-production relationship to a larger extent for the English contrast than for the Japanese contrast. This suggests that one factor that affects the relationship between perception and production of non-native sounds is the type of input prompt for production, and that this effect can vary for different non-native contrasts.

Language, Cognition and Neuroscience









Taylor & Francis Online1986年至今



《Language, Cognition and Neuroscience》发表高质量的论文,采用跨学科方法研究大脑和语言,并促进将语言及其神经基础的认知理论解释相结合的研究。 


Native language processing is influenced by L2-to-L1 translation ambiguity

Olessia Jouravlev & Debra Jared

Abstract: Words of one language often have multiple translations into another language. Does mapping of an L2 word onto multiple L1 words impact how these L1 words are represented in the bilingual lexicon? Russian-English bilinguals decided on the lexical status (Exp1) or the conceptual relatedness (Exp2) of pairs of Russian words that had the same or different translations in English. We obtained evidence for a facilitative effect of L2-to-L1 translation ambiguity. In Exp1, bilinguals were faster to respond to a Russian target if a prime had the same vs. different English translation as the target. Further, the magnitude of the N400 ERP component was reduced and the P200 was enhanced in the translation ambiguous compared to non-ambiguous condition. In Exp2, translation alternatives were rated as being more conceptually similar than words with different translations. Thus, the presence of a shared L2 translation leads to some convergence of corresponding L1 lexico-conceptual representations.

How to use a wide variety of words in telling a story with a small vocabulary: cognitive predictors of lexical selection for simultaneous bilingual children

Elena Nicoladis & Sandra A. Wiebe

AbstractPrevious research has shown that vocabulary size is a strong predictor of the lexical variety in monolingual children’s stories. Bilingual children often score lower than monolinguals on vocabulary tests so they might produce fewer word types than monolinguals. However, studies have shown that bilingual children can tell stories with equivalent lexical variety to monolinguals. In this study, we tested whether bilingual children’s cognitive flexibility is a better predictor of lexical variety than vocabulary. French-English bilinguals between 4 and 6 years told the story of a cartoon they watched. The bilinguals used just as many word types as age-matched English monolinguals and equivalent numbers in English and French. The lexical variety in bilinguals’ stories was highly related to the costs of mixing trials on a dimensional change card sort task, but not vocabulary. These results suggest that cognitive flexibility can help bilingual children lexicalise concepts.

Annual Review of Linguistics







Annual Review 2015年至今



《Annual Review of Linguistics》涵盖了语言学领域的重大发展,包括语音、音韵学、形态学、句法、语义学、语用学等。综述语言学理论、社会语言学、心理语言学、神经语言学、语言变化、生物学和语言进化、类型学以及语言学在许多领域的应用等方面的进展。


The Role of the Lexicon in the Syntax–Semantics Interface

Stephen Wechsler

Abstract: Evidence from the study of verbal argument alternations suggests that the syntactic structure of an event-denoting clause often reflects the structure of the event it denotes, in the sense that parts of the clause refer to aspects of the event. The patterns of such mappings between clause structure and event structure tend to be crosslinguistically uniform. Proffered explanations for these phenomena fall into two distinct theoretical currents. Lexicalists explain these phenomena in terms of the inherent paradigmatic structure of the lexicon, which leads verbs with similar meanings to have similar valence structures. 

Lexical-Functional Grammar: An Overview

Kersti Börjars

Abstract: Lexical-Functional Grammar (LFG) is a model for the analysis of language in which different types of linguistic information are represented in separate dimensions, each with its own formalism. These dimensions are linked by mapping principles. In this article, I describe the architecture of the model and illustrate some dimensions of information and the mapping between them in more detail. I also provide an outline of the analysis of long-distance dependencies and control to illustrate the advantages of this type of model. I briefly mention some further areas where LFG has proven to be a useful tool for analysis and provide references for the reader to follow up.

Journal of Fluency Disorders



0094-730X (print)
1873-801X (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今



《Journal of fluency disorders》是公认的唯一专门针对流利性的出版物,涵盖了口吃的临床,实验和理论方面的全面报道,包括最新的补救技术。作为国际流利协会的官方期刊,该期刊具有完整的研究和临床报告;方法论,理论和哲学文章;评论;简短的交流等等随时可以访问。


Lexical diversity and lexical skills in children who stutter

Courtney Luckman, Stacy A. Wagovich, Christine Weber .et al.

AbstractNumerous “small N” studies of language ability in children who stutter have produced differing conclusions. We combined test and spontaneous language data from a large cohort of children who stutter (CWS) and typically fluent peers, gathered from independent laboratories across the US, to appraise a variety of lexical measures. We were able to confirm prior findings of relative disadvantage on standardized vocabulary tests for a very large sample of well-matched CWS. However, spontaneous language measures of lexical diversity did not distinguish the groups. This relative weakness in CWS may emerge from task differences: CWS are free to encode their own spontaneous utterances but must comply with explicit lexical prompts in standardized testing situations.

A parent-report scale of behavioral inhibition: Validation and application to preschool-age children who do and do not stutter

Katerina Ntourou, Elizabeth Oyler DeFranco, Edward G. Conture .et al.

AbstractThis two-part (i.e., Study 1, Study 2) study investigated behavioral inhibition (BI) in preschool-age children who do (CWS) and do not (CWNS) stutter. The purpose of Study 1 was to develop the Short Behavioral Inhibition Scale (SBIS), a parent-report scale of BI. The purpose of Study 2 was to determine, based on the SBIS, differences in BI between CWS and CWNS, and associations between BI and CWS’s stuttering frequency, stuttering severity, speech-associated attitudes, and stuttering-related consequences/ reactions. Findings were taken to suggest that BI is associated with early childhood stuttering and that the SBIS could be included as part of a comprehensive evaluation of stuttering.

Language Teaching Research



1362-1688 (print)
1477-0954 (online)



SAGE Premier 1999年至今

最新出版:Vol.24 (2),2020


《Language Teaching Research》是同行评审的期刊,在第二语言或外语教学领域内发表研究成果。尽管文章是用英语撰写的,但该期刊仍欢迎有关英语以外语言教学的研究。


The effects of instructor language choice on second language vocabulary learning and listening comprehension

Jang Ho Lee, Glenn S. Levine

AbstractThe present study examined the interaction effects between teachers’ choice of language in lexical explanation and second language (L2) learners’ proficiency level on the learning of phrasal verbs and listening comprehension in a meaning-focused listening activity. Undergraduate L2 learners with two different levels of proficiency (intermediate and advanced) were assigned to three different conditions. These conditions included (1) code-switching, in which teachers briefly switched to learners’ first language for vocabulary teaching purposes, (2) L2-only, in which teachers maintained L2 for overall instruction and vocabulary teaching, and (3) control condition, in which learners were not given instruction about target vocabulary. The results revealed that teachers’ instruction about target vocabulary brought about more gains in learning of phrasal verbs than lack thereof. In addition, teachers’ use of code-switching benefited intermediate-level learners most, who were able to gain similar levels of vocabulary learning and listening comprehension to advanced learners. 

The effectiveness of voice-on and voice-off instruction on ASL vocabulary acquisition

Rachel Elizabeth Traxler, Kimi Nakatsukasa

AbstractWhether to use spoken English for the instruction of American Sign Language (ASL) is a pedagogical debate for those teaching hearing second language learners. Previous investigations have found the use of learners’ first language to be beneficial for vocabulary acquisition. Studies on sign languages, however, have found that a class taught completely using signs is more beneficial than a class that incorporates spoken English, although the cognitive theory of multimedia learning argues that receiving input in various modalities fosters learning. In the present study, the efficacy of voice-on or voice-off instruction for acquisition of ASL vocabulary is examined. Twenty-six hearing adult students in an ASL class received either voice-on (spoken English) or voice-off (ASL only) instruction for 13 vocabulary items. They completed a comprehension test in the pretest, immediate posttest, and delayed posttest, as well as a production test in the immediate and delayed posttest. The results showed significant improvements over time for both conditions for comprehension and production; however, no differences between the two conditions were observed.

Computational Linguistics



0891-2017 (print)
1530-9312 (online)



MIT Press 2000年至今

Journals for Free 2000年至今

最新出版:Vol.46 (1),2020


Computational Linguistics》专门致力于语言的计算和数学特性以及自然语言处理系统的设计和分析。这个备受推崇的季刊为大学和行业的语言学家,计算语言学家,人工智能和机器学习研究人员,认知科学家,语音专家和哲学家提供了有关语言研究各个方面的最新信息。


The Design and Implementation of XiaoIce, an Empathetic Social Chatbot

Li Zhou, Jianfeng Gao, Di Li and Heung-Yeung Shum

AbstractThis article describes the development of Microsoft XiaoIce, the most popular social chatbot in the world. XiaoIce is uniquely designed as an artifical intelligence companion with an emotional connection to satisfy the human need for communication, affection, and social belonging. We take into account both intelligent quotient and emotional quotient in system design, cast human–machine social chat as decision-making over Markov Decision Processes, and optimize XiaoIce for long-term user engagement, measured in expected Conversation-turns Per Session (CPS). We detail the system architecture and key components, including dialogue manager, core chat, skills, and an empathetic computing module. We show how XiaoIce dynamically recognizes human feelings and states, understands user intent, and responds to user needs throughout long conversations. 

Data-Driven Sentence Simplification: Survey and Benchmark

Fernando Alva-Manchego, 

Carolina Scarton and Lucia Specia

Abstract: Sentence Simplification (SS) aims to modify a sentence in order to make it easier to read and understand. In order to do so, several rewriting transformations can be performed such as replacement, reordering, and splitting. Executing these transformations while keeping sentences grammatical, preserving their main idea, and generating simpler output, is a challenging and still far from solved problem. In this article, we survey research on SS, focusing on approaches that attempt to learn how to simplify using corpora of aligned original-simplified sentence pairs in English, which is the dominant paradigm nowadays. We also include a benchmark of different approaches on common data sets so as to compare them and highlight their strengths and limitations. We expect that this survey will serve as a starting point for researchers interested in the task and help spark new ideas for future developments.

Computer Assisted 

Language Learning



0958-8221 (print)
1744-3210 (online)



Taylor & Francis Online 1990年至今



Computer Assisted Language Learning》是一本洲际和跨学科的期刊,致力于在语言学习(L1和L2),教学和测试方面与计算机使用相关的所有项领域。


Google Earth Virtual Reality and expository writing for young English Learners from a Funds of Knowledge perspective

Yan Chen, Thomas J. Smith, 

Cindy S. York .et al.

AbstractThe purpose of this study is to examine the incorporation of Google Earth Virtual Reality (VR) into English Learners’ (ELs) expository writing experiences from a Funds of Knowledge perspective utilizing a mixed-methods explanatory sequential design. The participants were 22 ELs from a middle school in a rural Midwestern town. During the quantitative phase, the expository writing artifacts were collected through a multiple before-and-after non-experimental design and analyzed using ANOVA. A text-in-context coding approach was adopted to examine changes in students’ writing. The results showed a statistically significant increase in expository writing skills, particularly in description, cause/effect,  compare/ contrast, and enumeration. A descriptive survey assessing the acceptance of Google Earth VR was distributed as well. 

Learners’ perceptions of collaborative digital graphic writing based on semantic mapping

Ferit Kılıçkaya

AbstractThe use of digital technology in the classroom has paved the way for various and creative ways of enhancing learners’ skills and has provided teachers with the opportunity to employ new and creative activities in which learners are more active while trying to improve their skills such as writing. The current study aimed to investigate learners’ perceptions of collaborative digital graphic writing to revise assigned readings and lectures and to determine how collaborative digital graphic writing based on semantic mapping appealed to different learning styles as well as its possible contribution to learner retention of course content. The participants included EFL (English as a Foreign Language) seniors at a state university in Turkey. They practiced creating digital graphic organizers via a piece of software on the assigned readings and the lectures. 

Language Learning



0023-8333 (print)
1467-9922 (online)



Wiley Online Library 1997年至今

最新出版:Vol.70 (1),2020


《Language Learning》是一本致力于广泛理解语言学习的科学期刊。它发表的研究文章系统地应用了心理学,语言学,认知科学,教育探究,神经科学,人种学,社会语言学,社会学和人类学等学科的研究方法。它关注语言学习中的基本理论问题。 


Variability and Consistency in First and Second Language Processing: A Masked Morphological Priming Study on Prefixation and Suffixation

Laura Anna Ciaccio, Harald Clahsen

AbstractWord forms such as walked or walker are decomposed into their morphological constituents (walk + –ed/–er) during language comprehension. Yet, the efficiency of morphological decomposition seems to vary for different languages and morphological types, as well as for first and second language speakers. The current study reports results from a visual masked priming experiment focusing on different types of derived word forms (specifically prefixed vs. suffixed) in first and second language speakers of German. We compared the present findings with results from previous studies on inflection and compounding and proposed an account of morphological decomposition that captures both the variability and the consistency of morphological decomposition for different morphological types and for first and second language speakers.

Reduced Competition Effects and Noisier Representations in a Second Language

Karina Tachihara,  Adele E. Goldberg

AbstractNative speakers strongly disprefer novel formulations when a conventional alternative expresses the same intended message, presumably because the more conventional form competes with the novel form. In five studies, second language (L2) speakers were less influenced by competing alternatives than native speakers. L2 speakers accepted novel interpretable sentences more readily than native speakers, and were somewhat less likely to offer competing alternatives as paraphrases or to prefer competing alternatives in forced‐choice tasks. They were unaffected by exposure to competing alternatives immediately before judgments.

Research on Language and 

Social Interaction



0835-1813 (print)
1532-7973 (online)



Taylor & Francis Online1969年至今



《Research on Language and Social Interaction》发表有关交互中使用的语言的最高质量的经验和理论研究。


Sounds on the Margins of Language at the Heart of Interaction

Leelo Keevallik & Richard Ogden

AbstractWhat do people do with sniffs, lip-smacks, grunts, moans, sighs, whistles, and clicks, where these are not part of their language’s phonetic inventory? They use them, we shall show, as irreplaceable elements in performing all kinds of actions—from managing the structural flow of interaction to indexing states of mind and much more besides. In this introductory essay we outline the phonetic and embodied interactional underpinnings of language and argue that greater attention should be paid to its nonlexical elements. Data are in English and Estonian.

Audibly Not Saying Something with Clicks

Richard Ogden

AbstractThis article explores the use of clicks—a nonverbal vocalization—in everyday talk. It is argued that clicks are one way of not saying something, i.e., of not producing talk when talk was due. While many clicks occur alongside verbal material, which provides a method for participants to ascribe an action to the turn in which they are embedded, many do not. The article explores the linguistic (especially phonetic), sequential and embodied resources available to participants to make sense of such clicks. It is argued that some clicks have properties of linguistic organization: They have nonarbitrary form-meaning mappings. Other clicks by contrast are interpreted more as ad hoc, singular events. The article contributes to a less logocentric view of talk-in-interaction. Data are in British and American English from audio and video.




0346-251X (print)
1879-3282 (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今





The suitability of film for modelling the pragmatics of interaction: Exploring authenticity

Jonathon Ryan, Scott Granville

AbstractPrevious studies have highlighted the potential of film to promote the development of L2 pragmatics by presenting to learners the types of authentic, contextually-appropriate language use routinely absent from textbooks. However, the issue of authenticity is multifaceted and there has been little if any exploration of authenticity in terms of larger sequences within scripted texts. Sequence authenticity is particularly relevant to learners, as it demonstrates how actions are achieved over multiple turns, and how utterances are designed to ‘fit’ with previous turns and how they shape the next turn; difficulties in this domain can prove highly problematic. To explore the pedagogical potential of general-release films, the present study analysed dialogue from 20 popular English-language movies, and reports findings relating to invitation sequences and the overall structuring practices found in phone call openings and closings. The findings reveal systematic and highly recurrent ways in which film dialogues tend to deviate from ordinary speech. These findings are discussed in terms of the conventions of narrative film and key principles of drama.

Using model texts as a form of feedback in L2 writing

Eun Young Kang

AbstractRecently, researchers have proposed that model texts can be used as an effective feedback technique. To contribute to the ongoing research, the study examined the extent to which models can result in the improvement of L2 writers’ subsequent drafts using a three-stage writing task: (i) writing (pretest), (ii) comparing (treatment), and (iii) rewriting (posttest). Forty Grade 11 EFL students wrote an argumentative essay and then were assigned to either an experimental (n = 20) or a control group (n = 20). The experimental group received two model texts to compare their writing against, whereas the control group (n = 20) was asked to self-correct their initial composition. The results suggested that learners mainly noticed their lexical problems at the initial stage of writing, which drew their attention to the words included in the models. They subsequently incorporated some of the words into their rewriting. By incorporating linguistic elements from the model texts, the participants in the experimental group in general received higher writing scores on the posttest compared to those in the self-correction group. Model texts were found to be particularly effective in improving vocabulary and content of L2 learners’ writing.




0097-8507 (print)
1535-0665 (online)



Project MUSE 2001年至今

最新出版:Vol.96 (1),2020




Frankenduals: Their typology, structure, and significance

Daniel Harbour

AbstractFrankenduals, that is, duals composed (as in Hopi) of a 'singular' and a 'plural' morpheme, display a consistent asymmetry. A new typological study shows that the element closer to the nominal is sensitive to singularity, whereas the one sensitive to plurality is more peripheral. This pattern impacts the theory of morphology (dual featurally crosscuts singular and plural), morphosemantics (number features are sensitive to order of composition), and syntax and its interfaces (the features are interpreted and pronounced where they are merged, not copied and partially deleted). The resulting account instantiates Hale's (1986) idea that features are semantically broad, ontologically flexible, and category-independent.

Revisiting phonetic integration in bilingual borrowing

Shana Poplack, Suzanne Robillard, Nathalie Dion .et al. 

AbstractThis article investigates whether speakers marshal phonetic integration as a strategy to distinguish language-contact phenomena. Systematic comparison of the behavior of individuals, diagnostics, and language-mixing types (code-switches, established loanwords, and nonce borrowings) reveals variability at every level of the adaptation process, providing strong evidence that bilinguals do not phonetically distinguish other-language words, nonce or dictionary-attested, in a uniform way. This is in striking contrast to the community-wide morphosyntactic treatment they afford this same material when borrowing it: immediate, quasi-categorical, and consistent. This confirms that phonetic and morphosyntactic integration are independent. Only the latter is a reliable metric for distinguishing language-mixing types.

Assessing Writing



1075-2935 (print)
1873-5916 (online)



ScienceDirect 1995年至今



《Assessing Writing》是一本可供参考的国际期刊,为评估书面语言提供了一个思想,研究和实践的论坛。期刊发表有关各种写作评估的文章,书评,会议报告和学术交流,包括传统的写作测试,替代性的绩效评估,工作场所抽样和课堂评估。


Assessing the lexical richness of figurative expressions in Taiwanese EFL learners’ writing

Yi-chen Chen

AbstractThis study aimed to explore the lexical richness of English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ figurative expressions, including quantity, diversity, and types of figurative meanings, and the extent to which learners at different proficiency levels display such characteristics in their writing. Data for analysis were 442 writing samples collected from the General English Proficiency Test (GEPT), a test commissioned by Taiwan’s Ministry of Education, across four proficiency levels. The procedure for identifying figurative expressions was adapted from the Metaphor Identification Procedure Vrije Universiteit. The results showed that metaphors were the most frequently used figurative function across proficiency levels, whereas similes were the least frequently used.

Do raters use rating scale categories consistently across analytic rubric domains in writing assessment?

Stefanie A. Wind

AbstractAnalytic rubrics for writing assessments are intended to provide diagnostic information regarding students’ strengths and weaknesses related to several domains, such as the meaning and mechanics of their composition. Although individual domains refer to unique aspects of student writing, the same rating scales are often applied across different domains. Accordingly, the interpretation of rating scale categories is intended to be invariant across domains. However, this hypothesis is rarely examined empirically. The purpose of this study is to illustrate and explore methods for evaluating the degree to which raters apply a common rating scale consistently across domains in analytic writing assessments. Data from a rater training procedure for a rater-mediated writing assessment serve as a case study for the illustrative analyses. 

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